Thursday, September 22, 2011

UDL and 3DGamelab

This will be the first time I have completed a full 3DGamelab Quest. The Quest required that I learn about how to design big picture for creating the quests. They provided a wonderful spreadsheet for calculating Quest Points, and deciding levels, awards etc.
But as I was laying out quests and points, I encountered the same issues. Where do I start, how much total should we earn, where is the end? Etc. I think this again is a cry for Backwards Design.
But, as I continue to listen to the lesson (video), they too were addressing the same issues, but with something called Universal Design. It should not have been, but it was an eye opening moment when I realized that there are probably many other design(s) out there for proper unit design based on research. So out I went to the web to research more about UDL. I came across an interactive lesson to teach me more about it, and had yet, another realization. The interaction was a very simple design, with pictures and text input, and immediate text output to allow for self reflection. Simple design, and very effective.

Which has me reconsider 3dGameLab and it's effectiveness. Small chunks of information, multimedia, context placement and text input for processing. The only thing it is missing is that final step, which so far, based on research is the most important, immediate feedback. Granted the immediate feedback is leveling up and points, but that does not tell me how I am doing for learning material, only that I have completed a task.

Furthermore, this was designed for anytime, anywhere learning. Yet, here I am in most need of anytime, anywhere and I am not getting enough feedback to know how I am doing. Is this missing the mark? There should be enough the system to trigger a warning that I am may not be learning so I know I am not learning.

So what am I missing? What needs to be front-loaded so I do not miss this.

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering whether they were responsive when you asked about immediate feedback in the interface? It would be great if they could build it in!
